Our Trustee Schools begin Sunday with registration in the afternoon and a Welcome Gathering in the evening. Classes begin Monday morning with the FPPTA’s signature CPPT tracks (Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced) for attendees earning their certification. The trustee schools offer continuing education (CEU) tracks for those maintaining continuing education credits. Attendees who have already completed or are not enrolled in the CPPT program are free to attend any session they would like.
The Winter Trustee School registration fee includes the welcome gathering dinner, breakfast and lunch, two and half days of valuable education and training, and access to nearly 100 presentations and presentation materials.
Attendees enrolled in the CPPT program will receive a study guide, study sessions with FPPTA education committee members, and the CPPT exam on Wednesday morning. Attendees receiving CEU credits are not required to take an exam.
Attendees must check-in each morning, after lunch, and at the end of each day to ensure continuing education (CEU) credits.
Associate members will have the opportunity to network with some of the 400 pension trustees in attendance from around the state. Sponsorship opportunities are available to promote your firm at this event, learn more about sponsoring FPPTA events here.