Current Event

Caroline Klancke, J.D., CCEP

Virtual Session

Have questions regarding the e-filing process or what to disclose in light of your personal financial facts? The Florida Ethics Institute and the FPPTA are here to help!

Friday, May 9th at 2:00 p.m.


Form What? Form 1!

All trustees must electronically create, file, and publish their Form 1, “Statement of Financial Interests” with the Florida Commission on Ethics by July 1 using the new Electronic Financial Disclosure Management System (EFDMS).

Trustees that fail to timely file their Form 1 face automatic fines of $25 per day late, up to a maximum fine of $1,500. Incorrect filings may be subject to legal challenges via ethics complaint filings.

All trustees are required to submit a Statement of Financial Interests form to the Florida Commission on Ethics on an annual basis. On Friday, May 9th at 2:00 p.m. (EST) the FPPTA invites you to join us for a virtual training program for FPPTA members, providing the information you need to easily and accurately complete and e-file your Form 1 in 2025 and beyond! The training will feature the latest disclosure information and a live interactive Question and Answer opportunity where you can ask a financial disclosure expert all of your financial disclosure questions!

41st Annual Conference
June 22 – 25, 2025
Omni Orlando Resort at ChampionsGate


Additional information coming soon.

On-Going Event

Pension Fundamentals for New Trustees


Virtual Event – This is an on-going event that can be taken at any time. 
Pension Fundamentals for New Trustees: $150

This new program is intended to be a primer for a new trustee walking into their role on the pension board. This one day virtual program will cover the various roles people play in the pension system, give a run down of how a defined benefit plan works, and familiarize a new trustee with the language, players, and lay of the land they’ll come to know in their new role. In addition to this program, participants will receive access to a digital reference book full of useful information for trustees no matter their experience level. This program does not offer CEU credits. This program is a requirement for any trustee intending to enroll in the CPPT Program —  trustees must complete this program before entering into the Basic CPPT course.