
Videos are dynamic, engaging, and easily digested. The FPPTA has created and maintained a library of videos that can pair and enhance you communications campaign.

Recently Added

The Transparency Paradigm: New Requirements in Financial Disclosure Applicable to Trustees

The FPPTA is pleased to host Caroline Klancke, Executive Director of the Florida Ethics Institute, to give a virtual presentation about new financial disclosure rules for trustees. The financial disclosure requirements applicable to trustees have recently changed and these changes will affect all Form 1, “Statement of Financial Interests,” filers in 2024. This session will address those changes to assist FPPTA members with the transition from paper to electronic forms.


A look at how pensions play out for the greater economy and how a guaranteed benefit provides stability for consumer confidence.

Introduction to ESG

ESG is in the headlines. What is it? When did it start and how has it changed? Why the controversy? This video primer will answer basic questions about an old, “new again” debate for institutional investors.

Pension Benefits Support Local Economies

The National Institute On Retirement Security has published Pensionomics 2023 and it confirms that public pension dollars are spent on everything from taxes to dining out. Learn how this valuable retirement benefit helps the economy.
Past Videos

One Page Pension Plan Summary

Dan Kleman shares how to share information about your plan with elected officials. Introducing yourself as a resource for decision makers in your community is an important way to ensure the best interest of your plan and the plan’s beneficiaries are considered as the municipality plans for the future.

Alternative & Fixed Income Investing

In this tutorial you’ll learn about Alternative and Fixed Income investments. Additionally, there are two infographics accompanying this video tutorial.


Alternative Investments
Fixed Income Investments

Faces of Florida

Real people, real stories. The human side of public service and public pensions.

Recipe for Retirement

Cooking up retirement security for public employees.

Priceless (General Employees)

Priceless (Police)

Priceless (Firefighters)

Pros vs. Joes

Why it’s important to have an expert manage retirement plans.