Since 1984 we have been building educational excellence, statewide membership, strong industry networks and a reputation for integrity. The FPPTA is a non-profit, established for the purpose of providing education and information for and about the public pension system, and advocating for defined benefit pension plans.

More than 265 of Florida’s 492 municipal pension boards are FPPTA members, many of them for decades. But municipal pension boards are not our only colleagues or members. We also have as members plan sponsors and plan administrators, as well as a network of pension plan service providers who participate through our Associate Membership.
Our educational curriculum has been designed to build professional excellence over time and is nationally recognized by state and local pension plan sponsors, industry professionals and trade groups. Wide-ranging, timely and time-tested subjects in our Continuing Education program guarantees FPPTA trustees will know the legal requirements of serving as a pension board trustee and the ethical obligations of serving as a fiduciary.